You’ll be asked for a few details first so we can send you the feedback privately.
Komodo Kickstart is a short quiz for children that gives parents immediate feedback on how well their child knows and understands times tables through measuring their fluency and accuracy. Kickstart is completely free to use.
See why identifying problems with maths early is important
Kids ready?
Take the quiz
It's totally free. No strings, no tricks. Why is it free?
Kids not ready?
Why not try it yourself?
Kickstart adapts to ability, so parents can try it too.
You’ll be asked for a few details first so we can send you the feedback privately.
Once your child starts the quiz, they will be asked to answer a series of times tables questions. We’ve worked hard to ensure children have a positive experience, with lots of encouragement and fun graphics throughout.
When your child has finished, we’ll compile and email you the feedback as a private report.
Where appropriate, we’ll make a few suggestions as to how you can help your child improve their knowledge of times tables.
We’ll respect your privacy, and you can opt out any anytime.
Mastering multiplication tables is an essential foundation for later concepts and skills in maths. So much maths relies on tables - you simply can’t afford to not to master them!
But what does “mastering” mean? Being able to work out times tables correctly is a start, but this isn’t mastering. Mastering means being able to recall all times tables accurately and fluently - that’s rapidly without having to work out the answer
The great news is that once you’ve mastered your times tables it will stay with you for life!
Komodo Learning is a team of educational professionals who specialise in mathematics educational technology.
Kickstart is our way of providing something free and useful that demonstrates what we’re good at - maths education.
Along the way, we’ll introduce you to our maths product and may email a few articles which we believe you’ll find helpful.
But don’t worry, you are free to opt-out at anytime. We don’t do hard sell and all times, we’ll respect your privacy.